Make learning fractions, decimals and percentages easier for your students
Often, when teachers are asked which maths topic they find the most difficult to teach and for their students to learn, teachers say fractions.
On this course, you will explore why they find fractions difficult and consider new approaches and methodologies for teaching them that are easier to grasp for your students.
You will learn how to avoid teaching the subject in isolation as you approach fractions, decimals and percentages as three interconnected topics. This will help to give your students context and give them a deeper understanding of the maths structure behind fractions.
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
Identify why students find the concept of fractions demanding.
Develop strategies to enable students to demonstrate their understanding, and use, of fractions.
Explore the links between fractions, decimals and percentages and become fluent in their application in differing contexts.
Demonstrate an understanding of the mathematical structure and not just teach the ‘tricks’.